
E. Porphyria (+EryPor) (Common)

Species: Rixixi

Short for Erythropoietic Porphyria, this mutation is caused by a deficit in certain molecular components that causes blood cells to break down and build up waste products in other parts of the body, such as the teeth and bones. That is to say, the teeth, nails, and any bony mutations of the Rixixi are blood-colored.

While Erythropoietic Porphyria is a medical problem in real life, and can affect Rixixi negatively in lore, this will not result in rad sicknesses being rolled due to it being present in a breeding.
Please feel free to apply realistic limitations or ignore them as you please for your own characters! Play the game however you like.

E. Porphyria, by default, appears as a red or brownish-red coloration to the teeth:
Rixixi Eryporphyria Example 2 by magmatixi

This color can change if the Rixixi's blood color is different for any reason:
Rixixi Eryporphyria Example 3 by magmatixi

The coloration is not limited to the teeth - nails can be blood-colored as well, as well as any mutation that could logically be considered made of bone or a similar material such as Horns, Problems (the teeth, bone, and skull layers), Translucence/Partial Translucence, the spines of Tail Spike, and so on.
Rixixi Eryporphyria Example1 by magmatixi


  • While (in real life) Erythropoietic Poryphyria can cause the affected areas to glow under UV lights, this typically will not show up on the import. It will show up if Ultraviolet +UV is present, and even without Ultraviolet, feel free to show glowing teeth/nails/bones in art, and even include a reference in your Ixi's Personality section!
  • It is not mandatory to alter the color of anything but the teeth of the Ixi.

E. Porphyria (ANARCHIE)

Category: B-NOMALY
Species: B-NOMALY


ANARCHIE: Misc. Traits

 Erythropoietic porphyria, an IRL liver disorder. In B-NOMALIES, this causes the greymatter color to show in teeth, claws, the beak, and any traits similar to horns or spikes (Horns, Back Spikes, Spurs, etc).

The greymatter will change color under UV light, but this may not show in the masterlist image. This can show in art!

Some B-NOMALIES with this trait avoid sunlight, as it causes pain.


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